Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Powerpoint about use of technologies in ELT

Two weeks ago I gave a lecture about the use of some technologies in ELT. I'm putting the presentation here if you find it interesting to download.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Big words!!!

Friday, 26 March 2010



Here goes some cards you can use to play detective with your students. The instructions are in the file. Hope you have as much fun as I have playing it!!!


Thursday, 25 March 2010

Think it through...


I often question myself everytime I have to correct a student of mine. Am I doing the right thing? Linguistically speaking, there`s very little that can be considered wrong, but despeite this, we keep correcting students over and over.

It`s obvious that learning a second language is different than learning the first language. Is that why we have to tell our students that they are wrong when they mispell the th, even knowing that everybody would understand them? How can we know when to correct and when not to? For me it`s kind of instinctive. Part because I was trained in certain methodology that describes a fluency practice as being "correctless" and also because I have certain experience.

The problem here is that I want more. Not that I`m asking for a manual entitled "When to and when not to correct your students", but other teachers opinion would be really nice. I think we are still to determine what the limits for correct are. What do you think? Correct them like a grammar book, or let them speak despite the "errrorrss".